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Future Rehabilition Village Plans

Bringing hope to paralyzed Kenyans

Our next big project: building a sustainable rehabilitation village for paralyzed motorcycle victims. In Kenya, motorcycle accidents claim the futures of too many young men. Many of these otherwise healthy accident victims suffer from inadequate wound care and never regain mobility. Despite the best efforts of their loved ones, far too many lose their lives as a result.


We know it can be better. At St. Joseph's we have already helped rehabilitate many patients who have been paralyzed, both treating their medical needs and implanting hope for a worthwhile life ahead. They can regain the strength needed to do meaningful work and service!


In our rehabilitation village—to be located on our beautiful property near Lake Elementita, near the hospital—we plan to create an accessible rehabilitation village. This will be complete with wheelchair-accessible housing, mobility aids, and job opportunities to give these paralyzed young men both independence and purpose.


Once we've started the village, we plan to make this financially sustainable as well, by having these capable rehabilitated young men provide care for retired ministers and missionaries.


We'd love your partnership to get this accessible village started—likely the first of its kind in Africa!—so we can rescue these victims and help change their lives.

Let’s Work Together

Get in touch so we can start working together.

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